Science / Technology / Math

Henry David Thoreau: A Life
Henry David Thoreau: A Life
Laura Dassow Walls
Poetry 和 Mathematics
Poetry 和 Mathematics
Scott Milross Buchanan
Calculus: The Elements
Calculus: The Elements
Michael Comenetz
Drawing Physics
Drawing Physics
The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds 和 Its Demise
The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds 和 Its Demise
Stewart Umphrey
Aristotle’s Physics: A Guided Study
Aristotle’s Physics: A Guided Study
Figures of Thought: A Literary Appreciation of Maxwell’s Treatise on Electricity 和 Magnetism
Figures of Thought: A Literary Appreciation of Maxwell’s Treatise on Electricity 和 Magnetism
托马斯·K. 辛普森
Sagebrush Empire
Sagebrush Empire
Jonathan Thompson
Polyphonic Minds: Music of the Hemispheres
Polyphonic Minds: Music of the Hemispheres
Newton’s Principia: The Central Argument
Newton’s Principia: The Central Argument
Dana Densmore, 威廉H. 多纳休
Seeing Double: Shared Identities in Physics, Philosophy, 和 Literature
Seeing Double: Shared Identities in Physics, Philosophy, 和 Literature
Sky in a Bottle
Sky in a Bottle
Apollonius of Perga: Conics: Books I-IV
Apollonius of Perga: Conics: Books I-IV
R. Catesby Taliaferro
Greek Mathematical Thought 和 the Origin of Algebra
Greek Mathematical Thought 和 the Origin of Algebra
Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia: with On the Motion of Animals
Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia: with On the Motion of Animals
Thermodynamic Weirdness
Thermodynamic Weirdness
The General 历史 of Astronomy: Volume 2A
The General 历史 of Astronomy: Volume 2A
A Student’s Guide to Entropy
A Student’s Guide to Entropy
PreAlgebra Blastoff!: Underst和 Positive 和 Negative Numbers, Grades 3-8
PreAlgebra Blastoff!: Underst和 Positive 和 Negative Numbers, Grades 3-8
Josh Rappaport
The Passage to Cosmos: Alex和er von Humboldt 和 the Shaping of America
The Passage to Cosmos: Alex和er von Humboldt 和 the Shaping of America
Laura Dassow Walls
J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Cold War, 和 the Atomic West
J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Cold War, 和 the Atomic West
Johannes Kepler’s Optics
Johannes Kepler’s Optics
威廉H. 多纳休
Operation Moonglow: A Political 历史 of Project Apollo
Operation Moonglow: A Political 历史 of Project Apollo
Teasel Muir-Harmony
Music 和 the Making of Modern Science
Music 和 the Making of Modern Science
Rousseau’s Critique of Science: A Commentary on the Discourse on the Sciences 和 the 艺术
Rousseau’s Critique of Science: A Commentary on the Discourse on the Sciences 和 the 艺术
Maria Mitchell 和 the Sexing of Science
Maria Mitchell 和 the Sexing of Science
Renée Bergl和
Inventing Los Alamos: The Growth of an Atomic Community
Inventing Los Alamos: The Growth of an Atomic Community
An Introduction to St. Stochastic Processes in Physics
An Introduction to St. Stochastic Processes in Physics
Selections from Kepler’s Astronomia Nova
Selections from Kepler’s Astronomia Nova
威廉H. 多纳休
Apollo to the Moon: A 历史 in 50 Objects
Apollo to the Moon: A 历史 in 50 Objects
Teasel Muir-Harmony
Labyrinth: A Search for the Hidden Meaning of Science
Labyrinth: A Search for the Hidden Meaning of Science
Oxygen, Acids, 和 Water: Eight Chapters from the Elementary Treatise on Chemistry
Oxygen, Acids, 和 Water: Eight Chapters from the Elementary Treatise on Chemistry
Iron Filings or Scribblings
Iron Filings or Scribblings
伊娃T. H. Brann
The Doctrine of Signatures: A Defence of Theory in Medicine
The Doctrine of Signatures: A Defence of Theory in Medicine
Scott Milross Buchanan
Lobachevski Illuminated
Lobachevski Illuminated
Algebra Survival Guide: A Conversational Guide for the Thoroughly Befuddled
Algebra Survival Guide: A Conversational Guide for the Thoroughly Befuddled
Josh Rappaport
Johannes Kepler’s Astronomia Nova
Johannes Kepler’s Astronomia Nova
威廉H. 多纳休
Wetl和s: An Introduction
Wetl和s: An Introduction
Faraday’s Experimental Re搜索es in Electricity: Guide to a First Reading
Faraday’s Experimental Re搜索es in Electricity: Guide to a First Reading
霍华德·J. 费雪
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety
Beyond Utility: Liberal Education for a Technological Age
Beyond Utility: Liberal Education for a Technological Age
Athanasios Moulakis
An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
Rational Mechanics: The Classic Notre Dame Course
Rational Mechanics: The Classic Notre Dame Course
R. Catesby Taliaferro
Maxwell’s Mathematical Rhetoric: Rethinking the Treatise on Electricity 和 Magnetism
Maxwell’s Mathematical Rhetoric: Rethinking the Treatise on Electricity 和 Magnetism
托马斯·K. 辛普森
Daniel Lieberman
Emerson’s Life in Science: The Culture of Truth
Emerson’s Life in Science: The Culture of Truth
Laura Dassow Walls
The Mathematical Experience
The Mathematical Experience
菲利普J. Davis, Reuben Hersh
Mathematics for Science 和 Engineering
Mathematics for Science 和 Engineering
Philip Langdon Alger
The Molecule of More
The Molecule of More
Daniel Lieberman
A Student’s Guide to Dimensional Analysis
A Student’s Guide to Dimensional Analysis
开放, 保密, Authorship: Technical 艺术 和 the Culture of Knowledge from Antiquity to the Renaissance
开放, 保密, Authorship: Technical 艺术 和 the Culture of Knowledge from Antiquity to the Renaissance
Organism 和 Environment: Inheritance 和 Subjectivity in the Life Sciences
Organism 和 Environment: Inheritance 和 Subjectivity in the Life Sciences
Russell Winslow
Abel’s Proof: An Essay on the Sources 和 Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability
Abel’s Proof: An Essay on the Sources 和 Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability
River of Lost Souls: The Science, Politics, 和 Greed Behind the Gold King Mine Disaster
River of Lost Souls: The Science, Politics, 和 Greed Behind the Gold King Mine Disaster
Jonathan Thompson
Through The Shadowl和s: A Science Writer’s Odyssey into an Illness Science Doesn’t Underst和
Through The Shadowl和s: A Science Writer’s Odyssey into an Illness Science Doesn’t Underst和
The Ethics of Geometry: A Genealogy of Modernity
The Ethics of Geometry: A Genealogy of Modernity
David Rapport Lachterman
Money Trees: The Douglas Fir 和 American Forestry, 1900–1944
Money Trees: The Douglas Fir 和 American Forestry, 1900–1944